Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Advantages and disadvantages of computer

Computer has given lot of advantages to human. First, speed up the time to communicate by using e-mail instead of sending letters. Then, enable us to store important informations in the computer by using storage devices such as thumbdrive. however, computers also had negative effects on our health. Especially to our eyes because if we use computer in a long period of time, we might probably have to use spectacles afterwards because of a bad eyesight. Furthermore, computers also can be dangerous to the environment. This is because computers hardwares are made mostly by plastic and plastic takes about thousands of years to decompose. Apart from that, by using the Internet, we can be Internet celebrity by posting our pictures in the wbesite such as Youtube, Friendster and more. However, we need to be careful in selecting pictures to post in the web because the safety is not guaranteed. So, whatever it is, computer is a machine invented to make our life easier. it depends on us to use it well.

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